
Martinka is a happy 10 year old girl, very intelligent and talented just like children her age.

She perfectly understands everything around her, especially the fact that her legs are not functioning properly and that she needs to exercise a lot just to be able to play with her sisters and friends.

Martinka suffers from hypotonia which means she struggles to put weight on her weak legs.

At the beginning of 2016 she could only walk 50 metres without falling and going up the stairs or a hill was simply not possible at all;her only way of moving around was in a pushchair.

After her first visit at the Medical Center, Adeli (April 2016), Martinka was able to walk an unbelievable distance of 500 metres without falling. 

She also attends a specialized centre, Odessa, where she learns different movements of her body with the help of dolphins.

By now, we have visited Adeli Medical Center 11 times. After all this hard work, she is now able to walk 2000 metres by herself, up and down a small hill, over little obstacles and up the stairs with assistance.

In April 2017 she received umbilical cord blood ( stem cell).

She is starting to walk with the use of her whole feet - more specifically her heels - and to have a correct posture.

We still have a very long way ahead of us, but we believe after a few more years of this tremendous exercise, Martinka will be able to integrate into society and be just like her peers.

Martinka was not accepted to a primary school this year mainly due to problems with her speech which came as a very disappointing setback to us.

We hope that with your help, she will be allowed to start her education soon and thrive in an exciting environment. 

Because of this issue, we have been attending a private speech language school ,Asobi, where specialists teach her how to speak correctly.

Most of our time is usually spent visiting different types of physical therapy - hippotherapy (twice a week), speech language therapy at Asobi (twice a week), swimming exercise (twice a week) and lokomat therapy (daily).

Martinka also receives other healing procedures abroad such as thread embedding acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, INPP.

You can just imagine how time consuming, but most importantly, financially straining this can get -especially since all these procedures are not covered by her medical insurance.

The most devastating truth is that nobody has been able to give us any reason why this is happening to our little girl. She has had countless tests done by different specialists in Slovakia sine she was about 18 months old, yet we still don’t have any prognosis. 

My pregnancy was perfect, so as labour and we never noticed anything wrong with Martinka until she started missing those typical baby milestones such as standing up and walking. 

The only advice we continuously receive from doctors is to keep on exercising her body every single day and never lose hope. 

We have been fortunate enough to receive some financial help from kind people who gave away 2% of their tax towards Martinka’s medical needs. We also approached charity organisations which helped us raise money.

It’s an every day fight and struggle to get through but we want to make sure we do everything we can to help Martinka. 

We would like to ask you this way whether you could also help us raise donations to cover expenses that slow us down in this long process. 

Here are examples of bills we have to pay on regular basis and as you can imagine they are not small at all. 

• ADELI Medical Center in Piešťany - 2 weeks without accomodation and food - 3078 Euro

• Delphinotherapy in ODESSA Ukraine 2500 Euro - including flight tickets, food and accommodation

• Speech language therapy in ASOBI - 400 Euro per month 

• Hippotherapy - 20 Euro per 30 min 

• Swimming therapy - 20 Euro per 45 min 

• Lokomat therapy - 50 Euro per 60 min

• Accupuncture - 20 Euro per sessio - minimum 6 sessions required

• INPP - 60 Euro per session - minimum 6 sessions required

We would appreciate if you could support us financially towards the costs of Delphinotgerapy in Odessa, as Martinka’s visit at the centre is ending now and we would like to continue with this treatment in the near future. It is making a big difference in her healing.

Thank you

MUDr. Kristína Dugasova /mother/


Prečo pomôcť Martinke alebo čo stoja tieto terapie

Prečo pomôcť Martinke? Martinka je veľká bojovníčka a maminka je sľúbila, že raz bude ako ostatné zdravé deti...a verte, že bude. Ak bude rehabilitovať takým tempom ako doteraz, tak bude. Splní si svoj malý veľký sen. Ale bez Vás a Vašej pomoci to nepôjde. My rodičia jej môžeme dať lásku, oporu, nehu, krik, boj, plač...môžeme s ňou cvičiť, robiť šoféra, bútľavú vŕbu...venovať čas aj nejaké fiancie, ale bez Vašej finančej pomoci - 2%, dary, zdielanie, kúpa kalendárov či iných predmetov to nezvládneme. Martinka Vás potrebuje, keďže jej terapie posiťovne ani štát nehradí.

Za doterajšími Martinkinými úspechmi je poctivá práca malej bojovníčky, ktorá chce byť raz ako jej rovesníci. Už aj lekári sa  tomto roku , keď vidia Martinkine pokroky začali vyjadrovať, že Maťka to za 4-5 rokov naozaj dá.

Martinka je inak šikovné usmievavé a inteligetné dievčatko, podarilo sa nám ju integrovať do SZUŠ Prokofievova odbor tanečná(začína 3.rok) a odbor výtvarná (začína 2.rok), skauting, jóga...

Bohužiaľ napriek tomu , že je predškoláčka nebolo jej umožnené navštevovať štátnu škôlu a integrovať, neprijali ju pre nedostatok miesta, napriek tomu, že tvrdia, že v Petržalke všetkých predškolákov prijali. Z toho dôvodu musí navštevovať súkromnú škôlku ASOBI - našťastie je to logopedická škôlka- tým pádom sme spojili dve veci, avšak na to potrebuje nemale financie. Martinka aj my sme v tejto "bariérovej škôlke" veľmi spokojný a ďakujeme aj p.riaditeľke a jej tímu, že Martinku chceli a majú ju radi. Martinka nepotrebuje vyslovene bezbariérové prostredie,stačí jej malá asistencia. Sme vďačný za túto škôlku a ich logopédiu.

Za celým pokrokom je 5.absolvovaných pobytov v Adeli Medical Centre v Piešťanoch, hipoterapia 2x týždenne, plávanie 1-2 x týždenne, logopédia 2-3x týždenne, t.č. aj terapia lokomat či combofit, kraniosakrálna terapia 1/6týžňov, nitková akupuntkúra 1krát/5týždňov, pobyt pri mori, 3 pobyty v Šoproni - cvičenie a špeciálny magnet. Cvičenie doma, cvičenie doma na motomede.

Toto sú všetko terapie, ktoré nehradí poisťovňa či štát - môžeme si to dovoliť len vďaka 2% z daní, ktoré zbierame, z darov ľudí, či občasných darov od firiem alebo cez zbierky či predaj nejakých predmetov- kalendár.

Cenník pobytov a rehabilitácií:
- základný pobyt v Adeli Medical Centre stojí na 2 týždne 3078 eur + cca 900 eur hyperbarická komora, bez ubytovania stravy či nafty (nakoľko mám 3 deti zvyknem ráno ísť do Piešťan a poobede späť)
- pobyt v Šoproni stojí na 1 týžden 709 eur terapie + ubytovanie bez stravy
- 30 min hipoterapie 20 eur, chodí 2x týdenne čiže 40 eur
- 45 min plávania (tréner nakoľko ju pre handicap nevzali do kurzu našli sme trénera, ktorý má skuseností s inými deťmi) 20 eur + vstup do bazéna, 2x týždenne je to 46 eur
- 45min logopédie 25 eur , chodila 2x týždenne 50 eur, teraz chodí k ním do škôlky , kde jeden deň stojí 30 eur +3,5 strava - má logopédiu individuálnu a skupinovú.
V škôlke ju bez problémov integrovali a Martinke sa tam páči.
Ak by chodila k logopédovi cez poisťovňu mala by nárok raz za 6-9 mesiacov, čo by u nás nemalo význam.
Akupunktúra jedno sedenie vychádza cca 24 eur, podľa toho koľko sa aplikuje nitkoihiel.
Kraniosakrálna terapia 1200-1500 KČ, chodíme do Brna.
A terapia INPP v Aware 50-60 eur , chodí sa raz za mesiac.

Absolvolai sme aj podanie pupočníkovej krvi.

Plus používa výživové doplnky čo tiež nie je lacné.

Prepáčte , že som Vás zahrnula takto číslami a informáciami, len som chcela , aby ste vedeli o koho sa jedná a prečo potrebuje pomôcť. Zohnať financie na Martinkinu liečbu nie je ľahké, ale ja sľub dodržím.
Obaja s manželom sme zdravotníci, ja t.č. na RD s najmladšou dcérkou.

Kristína Dugasová

Bezpečná okamžitá platba kartou cez BARION

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